Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sample IP Report

Sample/Practice/Free Inpatient Coding Report/Charts


1. Fall with fracture of right hip
2. Dehydration
3. Ascites

1. Fracture of femoral neck and intertrochanteric right hip
2. Severe osteoarthritis of hip
3. Postoperative blood loss anemia
4. Hyperkalemia
5. Dehydration – resolved
6. Ascites in alcoholic liver cirrhosis
7. Hyperammonemia

1. Hemiarthroplasty of right hip
2. Transfusion of RPBC – 2 units
3. Paracentesis

HOSPITAL COURSE: The patient was admitted to the hospital for bed rest, hydration, monitoring of blood pressure and pain medication. The orthopedic surgeon examined the patient and concurred with diagnosis of femoral neck fracture of the right hip. Performed a hemiarthroplasty and found an additional fracture of the greater trochanter – patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient had significant pain after the surgery and experienced severe blood loss anemia following surgery. Transfusion of packed cells was given and patient improved. Blood pressure fluctuated slightly and was controlled well with medication.

On postoperative day two, patient underwent paracentesis for removal of 2.5 liters of ascites. Postoperative course was further complicated by the rise in ammonia. This came down with Lactulose.

Patient was discharged to the subacute unit for physical therapy. To be maintained on a low salt diet with moderate fluid restriction.


REASON FOR ADMISSION: Fracture of right hip

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: A 84 year-old-female was walking down the stairs at home when she tripped and fell, landing on her right side. She believed she broke her hip. Unable to walk and in severe pain she called her family and they brought her to the hospital.

Examination and x-ray determined a right hip fracture of the femoral neck with severe osteoarthritis of the same hip.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Significant for long standing alcoholic liver disease with cirrhosis and ascites. And he was found to have massive ascites.

SOCIAL HISTORY: Lives alone with her many cats.

REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Massive ascites, liver spans about 2-3 fingers below costal margin and is firm.

PHYSCIAL EXAMINATION: Well-developed female in considerable distress due to fall. Blood pressure 180/110, pulse 88, marked muscle wasting.

1. Femoral neck fracture of right hip secondary to fall at home
2. Dehydration
3. Chronic cirrhosis


DAY 1 – Fracture of right femoral neck
Postoperative anemia due to blood loss – transfusion given
Pain – severe
Complete bed rest

DAY 2 – Postoperative care given
Transfusion given
Paracentesis performed
Elevated ammonia level

DAY 3 – Pain in right hip, ‘it feels too heavy’
Lungs clear
Abdomen soft – stools normal
Edema of ankle

DAY 4 – Pain is much better
Compression stockings in place
Anemia stable
Ammonia level within normal limits, abdomen less tense

DAY 5 – Discharge to subacute unit for physical therapy


NAME OF OPERATION: Hemiarthroplasty of right hip

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: An incision was made centered over the greater trochanter, carried down to the skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia lata, and incised in line with the femur. Following this, the posterior aspect of the hip is exposed and the short external rotators are dissected sharply from the proximal femur, and the piriformis is also incised and saved for later repair. Incision retractor is placed. Following this, the fracture is identified and the femoral head is delivered from the acetabulum after opening the capsule in a T fashion.

At this point, the attention was turned to the fracture and the fracture was somewhat lower than originally expected and the attempt was made to broach the femur for the hemiarthroplasty. It was noted that there was an additional fracture, which was present on the lateral aspect of the trochanter and this later was significant to the point where it was felt that it required cable fixation. At this point the greater trochanter was reducted and a trochanteric claw is utilized to grasp the trochanter and this is affixed with 2 cables. A 3rd cable is placed over the main fracture. Satisfactory fixation was accomplished.

At this point, the leg was rolled 90 degrees, the foot was raised 90 degrees to the floor and the broaching was done utilizing a 10 Biomet fracture stem and the broach was positioned appropriately. At this point, the cement was mixed and the cement was passed into the proximal femur and the 10 Biomet fracture stem was inserted, approximately 6-7 degrees of femoral anteversion. The standard was perhaps too tight and a –3 was placed and the hip was stable with flexion and internal rotation. Following this the hip is prepared and the cement is dried and the –3 head is placed and the biopolar is assembled and a 47 outer bearing is placed. The hip is located and again there is good stability. The capsule is repaired utilizing #0 Vicryl. The piriformis is repaired utilizing #1 Vicryl. The fascia lata is closed utilizing a running double #1 Vicryl. The subcutaneous tissue is closed, the deep tissue with 0 Vicryl, the more subcutaneous tissue with 2-0 Vicryl and the skin with skin clips. Hemovac was placed in the depths of the wound and the soft compression dressing was applied. The patient was placed in an abduction pillow and rolled supine and then was awakened and taken to the recovery room.

Replacement was 2 units of packed red blood cells. Additional 2 units are available. The patient will have a repeat hemoglobin and hematocrit in the recovery room. The patient was given Ancef at the start of the case and at the end of the case and this will be continued postoperatively.